徐红明:非云非雾非炁Xu Hongming: Non-Cloud Non-Fog Non-Qi
展览日期 | Duration :2023 / 4 / 22 - 6 / 5
周二 至 周六 Tuesday To Saturday 11:00 - 19:00
周日 Sunday12:00 - 17:00
(周一闭馆) Closed on Monday
展览开幕 | Opening :2023 / 4 / 22 - 14:30
展览地点 | Location :蓝岸画廊,南山区欢乐海岸购物中心3层9号
L3 No.9 O‘Plaza , Nanshan District
「 无定形的场域 」 换句话说,宇宙类似于无形...有点像蜘蛛或是唾液
「 The Formless Filed 」
On the other hand, affirming that the universe resembles nothing and is only formless amounts to saying that the universe is something like a spider or spit.
- By Gorges Bataille
蓝岸画廊荣幸地宣布将于2023年4月22日至6月5日期间,隆重推出艺术家徐红明的个人艺术项目“非云非雾非炁Qi”(Non-cloud Non-Flog Non-Qi )。展览作为徐红明继2020年蓝岸画廊个展之后的沉淀与勃发,是艺术家基于思维回溯的全然性创造,在愈加纯粹的绘画之中,将人引入意识的国度。
LAN Gallery is pleased to announce the personal art project Non-Cloud, Non-Fog,Non-Qi by Xu Hongming, which will run from April 22th to June 5th 2023. The exhibition, as a precipitation and burst of development following Xu Hongming’s exhibition at the LAN Gallery in 2020, is the artist‘s holistic creation based on retrospective thinking, introducing people to the land of consciousness in an increasingly pure painting.
非云非雾非Qi Non-Cloud Non-Fog Non-Qi徐红明2022.9.18180×180 cm绢布水性颜料 Watercolour and Ink on Silk
The exhibtion Non-Cloud, Non-Fog, Non-Qi begins with Xu Hongming’s landmark series ‘Extendable Rhomboid’, which originated nearly thirty years ago, as the artist moves through time towards a unique artistic language and philosophical world of his own. Within the images that cannot be visually defined, Xu Hongming depicts either clouds, fog or some kind of flowing indescribable form, trying to define and capture the objects in the paintings through words is doomed to futility. It is because this is a purely perceptual level of ‘form and matter’ that exists above language.
非云非雾非Qi Non-Cloud Non-Fog Non-Qi徐红明2021.8.1169×69 cm绢布水性颜料 Watercolour and Ink on Silk
非云非雾非Qi Non-Cloud Non-Fog Non-Qi徐红明2021.5.8180×180 cm绢布水性颜料 Watercolour and Ink on Silk
Categorising and summarising what is seen by the eyes give certainty of thought, in line with the human instinct to progress from a primitive to a civilised society. But the process of translating what is felt physically or mentally into language is bound to distort the meaning of what is intended, not to mention the fact that there are countless languages in human society. So Xu Hongming brings us back to the essential colours of red, yellow, blue, black and white, allowing them to collide and merge in the picture, without prioritisation.
We will find that although Xu Hongming‘s paintings are a blurred expression of matter, the so-called space, perspective and front-back relationships are dissolved in his pictures, they do not disappear, but rather recede into a deeper, spiritual world. The concept of “amorphous” is a kind of destruction of definition, rejecting idealised humanism and following the path of acting in accordance with the natural evolution of things, the “Tao”.
非云非雾非Qi Non-Cloud Non-Fog Non-Qi徐红明2021.5.1180×180 cm绢布水性颜料 Watercolour and Ink on Silk
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