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2010-10-22 15:00:30 来源:《徐红明》作者:李旭 



























  It has been more than a century since abstract art, which has its roots in Western tradition, started to develop. Today, trends in contemporary Western art stress the importance of multi media art, regarding it as today's mainstream. Therefore, even though abstract art plays an important role in galleries and art fairs, it has already been cast aside by many such large scale events as biennales or documenta.

  But from the beginning of the Nineties, abstract art, a component of contemporary Chin-ese art, has been constantly evolving and becoming a topic of interest. In 1993, the abstract artworks of Ding Yi were shown during the Biennale of Venice. In the same year, the first large scale group exhibition ever organized in mainland China, The existence of informal, opened at the Art Academy of Shanghai University. In 2001 the first edition of Metaphysics: Shanghai Abstract Art Exhibition was held at the Shanghai Art Museum where it continues today. In 2003, the exhibitions Maximalism and Prayer Beads and Brush Strokes were unveiled in Beijing.

  Viewed from Darwin's theory of evolution, it would follow that abstract art has already become unfashionable. But the rules of art resist the theory of evolution because abstract art is part of the basic grammar of humankind's self expression: by relying on this grammar people can speak a language suitable to every epoch. Looking at the many events organized, we infer that contemporary Chinese abstract artists have found their own grammar, and now are moving towards creating their own language. But we shouldn't forget that there is a cultural background with thousands years of history which provides them with an unlimited and inexhaustible supply of spiritual inspiration. The fact that Xu Hongming became a leading figure in the abstract art circle in present day Beijing didn't happen by chance: the artistic experiments he performed during the last decade set an original and unpersevering example for the development of Chinese abstract art to follow. Unfortunately, even now, only a few people have a deep and complete understanding of his work.


  While attending primary school, Xu Hongming joined some art classes to study painting. Like all the other students of his age he was trained in realism and his education was based on making sketches of plaster figures. After graduating from high school he went to Beijing on his own to sit for the admission exam at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Despite failing to be enrolled at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, he found a way to enter the sculpture studio of the academy as a laborer. Struggling to make a living and to learn on the side, he prepared the clay by stepping on it, helped roughly shape sculptures, prepared sculpture outlines, etc. He has done most of the various kinds of handwork in the creation of sculpture, and evidently he learned a lot from this process.In 1991 and 1992 he used the money he earned at the academy to travel to the remote areas of western

  China and to follow the ancient Silk Road. For a half year, he travelled to the central plain of Shanxi, the Hexi Corridor, finally reaching Xinjiang's Baicheng County. Xu Hongming says that his ideas were simple at that time: he wanted to know more about Eastern traditions. After his return to Beijing, he developed a true passion for drawing and started to investigate the beauty of pure form. His quest for the metaphysical and his ascetic attitude strongly influenced his work and laid solid foundations for the future development of his artistic style.

  With no steady income, Xu Hongming spent several years without a stable place to live; his style underwent inner turmoil, constantly changing. But it was under these unfavourable conditions that he came to analyze abstract forms. Using various materials like writing paper made of bamboo pulp, high quality rice paper from Anhui, water coloured paper, and canvas, he started his long experiments on form. During this process, symbolist and surrealist elements became less and less evident; in 1996, he started to paint abstract artworks, and began to find and solve artistic issues with precision. His early ideas were about finding a "vital energy", a kind of force able to uphold space. Thereby he established an original linguistic order in his artworks. In 1996, his abstract works were published for the first time in the magazine Art Observation. In 1997, he sold his first abstract work.


  While he was looking for the Hexi Corridor, he discovered decorative patterns typical of the Eastern tradition based on the use of lines; or perhaps it was because later he drew many sketches based exclusively on lines. Xu Hongming's early abstract experiments are lines imbued with symbolic meanings and imagery. He places a grid in an oblique position to obtain rhomboidal figures intersecting each other; with the use of a texture made of thick colour, he obtains both the effect of one point and multi-point perspective. These works are like an open field stretching to the horizon or a public square. From their early stages these half-abstract images show a broad and profound meaning.

  Figures and symbols of plants appeared in his early compositions 1. This phase was quickly overcome: Xu firmly believed that contemporary Eastern people can rely on abstract images to give shape to the same magnificent boldness of vision of ancient times. With the aid of symbolism, Xu succeeded in creating his own linguistic system and an atmosphere described in detail by this linguistic system successfully shapes the boldness of the vision cited above.

  The compositions made of rhombi were created by the intersection of oblique lines developed in novel ways. Investigating different styles and experimenting with different materials, the rhomboidal form is open to transformations. Its colours and shapes lean toward minimalism, but are imbued with a simple but witty radiance. Black and white, red, yellow and blue, water colour paper and canvas, sketches, scrolls, even installations: it seems that Xu Hongming never tired of testing his own strength, starting from the most undemanding premises. He experimented with the tension evoked from images under the harshest limitations. He polishes the beauty of form even in the slowest art series.

  Apart from using the most typical rhomboidal shapes, Xu Hongming's experiments on forms involve multiple intersections, squares, crosses, and broken lines hidden or clearly recognizable in the compositions. Both the gracefulness and ambiguity irradiating from these works are astonishing, producing an effect which can be hardly explained in words and which cannot be perceived by seeing pictures or prints of the works.

  In 1999 Xu Hongming wrapped stiff paper around a tube-shaped form supported by legs 2. Looking at this artwork from near or from a distance, in shadow or in light, from the front or from a side, produces completely different visual effects. This kind of "painting installation" is a noteworthy achievement in Xu Hongming's career.

  In 2005 Xu Hongming completed two series which up to the present day represent the most daring experiments with colour: Red Yellow Blue Black Grey and Red Yellow Blue White Grey. The visual effects in these two triptychs are similar, but conceptually they puzzle people. In the first triptych, Xu employs either a black or white canvas, over which he painted the three primary colours, all well distributed, in a simple yet stimulating way for the retina. This work is like a test for the eyes' perception of colour. It seems to question the ultimate meaning of colour. In another triptych, Xu explores dualism in the relationship between black and white 3. In this work crosses intersect at opposite angles and are vaguely visible. The canvas was covered with gesso and then paint applied, so different grades of clearness of black and white appear on the canvas. The handmade layers of colours are sometimes invisible, sometimes evident, depending on the source and direction of illumination and the observers' viewpoint. Experiencing the artwork, viewers are filled with admiration and encouraged to ponder what they see.

  From 2003 Xu Hongming started to experiment with the computer. His first experiment consisted of a static painting, but he soon turned to animation. This sort of experimentation opened a completely new frontier: even if the brightness and the degree of saturation of the colours appearing on the computer screen could not be compared to the materials used in traditional painting, the "non-stop" effect obtained through the use of GIFs, produced results akin to those of ancient scrolls and other effects he was not able to obtain in installations.


  China has a tradition of appreciating abstract beauty, but traditional Chinese art lacks true abstraction. The first experiments concerning true abstraction were carried on during the Republican period by the Storm Society, but because of international turmoil, internal wars, and political movements one after the other, realistic art forms commended the stage of mainland Chinese art. It was ideological propaganda. There were figures like Li Qingping 4, an isolated artist who during the ** experimented with abstraction, even though it was considered inappropriate. It was not until the end of the Seventies that an interest in Chinese abstract art was reborn. During the Eighties, many of the experiments in abstract art could be considered tactical because they aimed at overturning realism. However, these experiments did not concern the metaphysical sphere and its implications. During the middle of the Nineties, as a consequence of the rise of abstract art around Shanghai, abstraction as a topic of discussion started to be taken seriously. Xu Hongming believes that abstract artists working in mainland China share a dangerous tendency towards decoration and commercial tastes. Furthermore, according to Xu Hongming, abstract art should not be centred only on form. Above all it should be concerned about spiritual and conceptual matters built upon an analysis of form.

  Xu Hongming's achievements obtained in abstract art are expressed by continuous investigations in various kinds of painting. Compositions made of dots and lines, the structure of the frame, changes involving the nuance and brightness of the colours, transparent or thick brush strokes, blue skies, the delicacy of reality, etc. These themes have been addressed in a series of works by Xu Hongming. Since he didn't receive any institutional artistic education, his personal understanding of the theories of colour is uncommonly unadulterated. Black and White, Red and Blue are not mere visual and formal issues. Since he has been analysing pure form for many years, he has already pushed himself towards the fringes of the visual sphere, stepping into the fields of philosophy and aesthetics. For example, in the series Black Grey-Sun, and White Grey-Taiji (Great Ultimate), Xu Hongming expresses his knowledge and audacity. The symbol of the yin and yang, filled with Eastern philosophical and religious meaning, is expressed in a succinct and contrived way. The nearly perfect language of painting appears incisive and vivid, like the remote boundary once described by Laozi: "The largest square has no corners, The greatest vessel takes the longest to finish, Great music has the faintest notes, The Greatest Form is without shape". 5

  Working in a space without boundaries Xu Hongming handles difficult tasks with skill and ease: painting installation attempts to merge bi-dimensional and tri-dimensional space and abstract animation reveals how abstract concepts and multi media forms fully permeate each other. At the moment, Xu Hongming has started to work on a personal experiment, an installation of ink painting without colours, and it will be an exciting project.

  Xu Hongming is not an artist working by instinct. His visual language is filled with a strong sense of rationality. He persists in raising questions and this questioning spirit is a quality that many contemporary artists lack. Xu Hongming, who walks along visual fringes, is offering new coordinates to contemporary abstract art.


  1 See the series of works "Human Forms" and "Plants"

  2 See the series of works "Circular Black Grey" and "Circular White Grey"

  3 See the series of works "Uncertain Crosses Black Grey" and "Uncertain Crosses White Grey"

  4 Li Qingping (1911–2004), family name Zhao Yuzhen, name used in the past Li Yuan. In 1932 she entered Shanghai Xinhua Art Professional School; soon after in 1937 she became the director of the Art Department of Kuala Lumpur Sencung Girl Middle School, and in 1942 she returned to the motherland. In 1946 in Beijing she had a solo exhibition which gained the appreciation also of artists like Xu Beihong, Liu Haisu, and Qi Baishi. In 1950 she joined the Art Institute in the Ministry of Culture but soon after because of her contacts with some foreigners she had an unfair treatment and was put under surveillance, publicly criticized and sent to prison for three times. But despite all this during this period she went on creating. After China's reform period, she returned to her creative spring and painted more than one thousand oil paintings. In 1986 her solo exhibition was held in Wuhan; in 1987 she became member of the Chinese Artists Association, and during her last years she donated hundreds of works to Shanghai Museum of Art.

  5 Quotation from "Daodejing", chapter 41





